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FINRA / SIPC. Golden Visa Capital is not a registered broker-dealer, and Finalis Securities LLC and Golden Visa Capital LLC are separate, unaffiliated entities. Finalis Privacy Policy | Finalis Business Continuity Plan | FINRA BrokerCheck GoldenVisaCapital.co (the "Golden Visa Capital Website") is a website operated by Golden Visa Capital LLC, a privately held Florida limited liability company. Golden Visa Capital LLC provides private placements in the Residency by Investment space.

Investments in private placements involve a high degree of risk and may result in a partial or total loss of your investment. Private placements are generally illiquid investments. Investors should consult with their investment, legal, and tax advisors regarding any private placement investment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Must I be an accredited investor to apply for Portugal's Golden Visa?

The application process for the Golden Visa comes after making a qualifying investment. As such, the Portuguese government will not verify accredited investor status.

For investment opportunities that are using the private placement 4(a)(2) or Reg D 506(c) SEC exemptions from registration, accredited status is required. For investment opportunities that are using the Reg D 506(b) exemption, it is possible to include up to thirty-five non-accredited investors.

Donations for the Golden Visa do not require accredited status.

Is accredited status required for the donation path to the Golden Visa?

No. Accredited status is not required or verified for the donation path to Portugal's Golden Visa.

Applicants may donate 250,000€ to an approved Cultural project or 500,000€ to an approved Science/Technology project instead of investing 500,000 in a qualifying fund or PE opportunity. Amounts may be reduced by 20% to 200,000€ or 400,000€ if the recipient is in a low-density area.

Please enquire for more information on the donation path to Portugal's Golden Visa.

What if I'm interested in investing in Portugal but not interested in the Golden Visa program?
There are many investment opportunities in Portugal that are outside of the qualifications for the Golden Visa program. Kindly enquire for bespoke introductions.
Could my 500,000€ investment be divided among multiple funds that qualify for the Golden Visa?
Yes. Golden Visa applicants may diversify their required 500,000€ investment across multiple funds that qualify for the Golden Visa. Do be mindful of fund minimums; often set between 50,000€ - 250,000€.
Why work with Golden Visa Capital instead of finding opportunities online? Can't I DIY this?

The new rules for Portugal's Golden Visa, adopted in late 2023, caused the market to turn over almost completely. Because real estate was removed from eligibility and nearly all of the established funds held underlying assets in real estate, new funds have been created to match the new law.

There are two big pitfalls to avoid here:
1. Some of those funds are quite "creative" with their interpretations of the new law and might very well be outside of the legal bounds for eligibility
2. It's too soon to know which of these "creative" funds will be rejected from the Golden Visa Program. It will only be after investors apply and their applications are reviewed - a process that often takes two years - that anyone can know with certainty whether the fund(s) in question meets the requirements of AIMA, Portugal's Immigration Authority, for Golden Visa eligibility.

Investing in a "creative" fund means risk. Risk of your capital, risk of at least 2 years of your time, and risk of your qualification for the Golden Visa program. Working with Golden Visa Capital and our short-list of vetted opportunities mitigates these risks. We take great care to avoid over-hyped and under-developed offerings.

I want to run an investment opportunity by you to get your take on it. Are you available for consultations?
Sure. I can advise in generalities including:
  • the likelihood that any given investment will qualify the investor for Portugal's Golden Visa program given the new regulations
  • my take on the quality of the offering in comparison to the quality of other offerings on the market
  • why I view Portugal's Golden Visa program as superior to other EU Residency By Investment Programs
  • whether your situation is a better match for the Golden Visa or one of Portugal's other visa types including:
    • D7: Person of Means
    • D2: Startup Visa

What I cannot do is advise on the suitability of the investment for your specific situation as I am not a registered investment advisor. I can, however, have a conversation with your own registered investment advisor if you wish.

Please book a consultation here via Golden Visa Direct, the educational arm of my businesses.

Golden Visa Capital
Private Placements
1317 Edgewater Drive
Suite 3284
Orlando, FL 32804
Amy Short, Principal